Helping At School
With low student numbers, our school thrives thanks to a hard working school community and excellent parent / teacher / student relationships. Parents provide the school with interest, friendship and enthusiastic participation in groups such as School Council and the Fundraising Committee. We call upon our school community for assistance in grounds maintenance, reading programs and volunteering in the library, kitchen and garden. Without the support of our dedicated parents we, as a school, would find it hard to operate successfully.
In the past we have had fundraising activities such as sausage sizzles outside Bunnings, Victorian Scout Raffle and Bulbs catalogues. These activities rely 100% on your involvement, but together many hands make light work and generally only a couple of hours of your time are requested over the year.
Working bees are another commitment we ask of our parent community, usually these are held one Friday afternoon each term. Parents have a choice of which date they are able to attend, or may select a task to do at their own convenience.